Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Chapter, Her Point Is, describes proper methods of summarizing. The importance to maintaining the author's point of view when creating a summary and that it is often necessary to also contrast it with your opinion if you disagree is obsverved. It is also implored to use an appropriate transition into ones summary aside from the lowest common denominators of "they say" or "they discuss." If satire is used then these guidelines are generally not applied. An interesting thing I saw in this chapter was the "closest cliche syndrome." I've encountered this breed of conclusion jumping many times before and had not known its name, so it's nice to know.

One thing I notice about both chapters is that they both name extremisms then follow into a set of helpful tips, I can only guess that the rest of the book follows the same guidelines.

The Chapter, As He Himself Puts It, describes proper methods of quoting a scource. It is stressed that one should always make sure to scope out a quote which is relevant to what you are attempting to convey with it. It is even more important to frame the quotation to give it an explanation because the quotes meaning in relation to your topic may not be obvious to a reader. The lack of such framing is hilariously described as hit-and-run quotation. While framing you can add your own spin after thw quote to help explain the relevance to the reader if it is not yet clear.
Posted by Why? at 4:09 PM 0 comments

Monday, October 26, 2009

Ch 30
Ok who doesn’t know how to use a search engine now days? Everybody uses them all the time so there is no excuse if you cannot find a website that has correct information on it. Search engines have that preview thing were you can look at the website without actually going on it. This is just stuff most people learn from the countless hours they spend on the internet and usually people have that one friend who is amazing with computers and they show people how to use everything on their computer so everything is quick and simple. Search engines like bing make searching for stuff on the internet even easier so this book is a little out of date. This chapter was just stuff that some people I guess just never tried one day while they were bored on the internet.
Ch 28 I found to be filled with information that I all ready learned in high school. Like how to do bibliography in MLA format, and the different type of sources. One thing I did not know about was the guide lines for a questionnaire. Finding sources is usually a tedious thing to do because I always try to find sources that repeat each other so I know the information is correct and I didn’t go any websites with false information. Books are always the best sources though. Besides field but most of the time you cannot get that kind of a source for a research paper unless you get really lucky.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

After reading about the portfolio that is due at the end of the semester I am still nervous on how I will do because I lack confidence as a writer. I have no idea how if I can even find my first drafts, or my first revisions. Since it is a group of people who know a lot about writing for some reason I do not think I will be able to get up to their standards even though I possibly could be. I think me being nervous is a good thing though because it will make me try a lot harder on my writing.
The only way I can take this is if I have a c- or better which I hope I have by now. I need to find all of my work because I know I did not throw anything away. I need to make sure that they are all in a presentable manor when I have to submit them for the portfolio. I really hope I can pass this because I want to transfer next fall and I do not want to take English 200 next semester because I am trying to make next semesters schedule a walk in the park.
My 2 pieces of writing out of the 5 that are required I think will be able to pass. I have worked hard on those papers and I know I will have to revise them more than once but I think I will have passing papers by the end. I really hope my margins are not the reason I do not pass because it happened to a lot of people at my high school during the research paper. I am going to have to do multiple checks to make sure.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


The first essay “General Apache” is a story that is hard for me to relate to because I do not know any Vietnam vets, and I am not an educator so I cannot relate to that part as well. Maybe someday if I become one of those things I could relate to it but at the moment I am young and I have not experienced a lot of things. I thought it was a pretty good story though. I found it to be a very easy read. The story does not relate to the life of an average college student anymore maybe in the late 60’s or early 70’s I can see it being relevant to the life of a college student because it just happened. I thought the poem was really good. I could picture the story in my mind while I was reading it. It defiantly reminded me of Rambo.
The second essay “simplicity” is defiantly a bash on how Americans write. I honestly wish the guy would use lest contractions because I find them as annoying as he finds unnecessary words. It was a fun read a little easier to relate too unlike the first. The way he told us to simplify our writing made a lot of sense because we do use words that are unnecessary for writing papers. I do not really believe that it makes it harder for a reader to follow the story because I doubt most readers are that dumb. Yeah some words in papers are not needed but that is what makes writing papers fun. When you are able to add fun adjectives and adverbs to help describe the idea in your head, it is what makes writing anything a fantastic experience. If we did not need these words than why is it correct grammar to use them, we all know we love to use these things in our speech when we are telling some sort of story or epic tale. I have used a lot of words in this blog that do not need to be used but I used them anyway. I think words can never be unnecessary because it could show some individuality in a paper or poem.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


People learn in many different ways; some people learn better if they see something being done, some learn it better if they hear it; some learn it quicker if they do it, and some just need to read about it to learn it. Most people learn in multiple ways. Some people have what is called multimodal which they can learn from three or more ways. Most people just learn from one or two of the ways described.

I am a multimodal learner; this will help me because I can learn in all four ways when it comes to school. I do not need to do a specific thing like have special notes or bring a tape recorder. I learn the easiest by listening to the lecture because I am mainly an aural learner. I can also learn very quickly with visuals, than its kinesthetic and finally reading and writing.

This explains how I can just listen to a lecture and not have to take many notes, but still get a good grade in any class. I have noticed that depending on the class I learn the subject by doing different things. Since I am a multimodal learner I can use different techniques to pass the class.

When it comes to my chemistry 109 class I am going to use all of the different learning techniques, because it is a very challenging class. I have already decided I am going to be a kinesthetic learner when it comes to my pre-calculus class because I have to learn it myself because it is such a big class and the teacher has very little time to teach. When it comes to English 100 I will be more of a reading and writing person mixed with some of the aural techniques, because those are the most effective in a English class.

I will use the techniques I have learned in all of my classes, because it will make them so much easier. I will continue to take the same notes as I usually do but I will study them a little bit differently now. I hope I can find the right combination and be able to pass all of my classes with ease.

intro letter

My name is Peter Doty; I have not been much of a writer besides writing the papers for my English classes. Writing has never been a thing that I have done very well. My favorite type of papers to write are research papers, because people will always learn something new when they write them. I dislike compare and contrast papers; I find them to be tedious and annoying.

I do not speak any other languages besides English. I have tried to learn Spanish while I was in high school, but it did not stay with me. I find language to be a very interesting thing. I am very curious about languages; especially when it comes to accents. I would like to learn a foreign language, but I do not think I will be able to do it.

I have come to Humboldt State to study molecular biology. I have chosen this major because I want to go to medical school after this experience is over. The study of the human body interests me because it is a very complex machine. The way all the organs and systems work together to create a human I find amazing.

My weaknesses as a student are that my handwriting is terrible, and that I have trouble paying attention while I am in class. My strengths as a student are that I am a fast learner and I have a very good memory. I am a learner that needs to see or hear something to learn it quickly. I can also learn from reading it; but it takes longer for me to learn the material.

My favorite quote about education was said by John F. Kennedy. “Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation”.