Thursday, September 3, 2009


People learn in many different ways; some people learn better if they see something being done, some learn it better if they hear it; some learn it quicker if they do it, and some just need to read about it to learn it. Most people learn in multiple ways. Some people have what is called multimodal which they can learn from three or more ways. Most people just learn from one or two of the ways described.

I am a multimodal learner; this will help me because I can learn in all four ways when it comes to school. I do not need to do a specific thing like have special notes or bring a tape recorder. I learn the easiest by listening to the lecture because I am mainly an aural learner. I can also learn very quickly with visuals, than its kinesthetic and finally reading and writing.

This explains how I can just listen to a lecture and not have to take many notes, but still get a good grade in any class. I have noticed that depending on the class I learn the subject by doing different things. Since I am a multimodal learner I can use different techniques to pass the class.

When it comes to my chemistry 109 class I am going to use all of the different learning techniques, because it is a very challenging class. I have already decided I am going to be a kinesthetic learner when it comes to my pre-calculus class because I have to learn it myself because it is such a big class and the teacher has very little time to teach. When it comes to English 100 I will be more of a reading and writing person mixed with some of the aural techniques, because those are the most effective in a English class.

I will use the techniques I have learned in all of my classes, because it will make them so much easier. I will continue to take the same notes as I usually do but I will study them a little bit differently now. I hope I can find the right combination and be able to pass all of my classes with ease.

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