Thursday, October 15, 2009

After reading about the portfolio that is due at the end of the semester I am still nervous on how I will do because I lack confidence as a writer. I have no idea how if I can even find my first drafts, or my first revisions. Since it is a group of people who know a lot about writing for some reason I do not think I will be able to get up to their standards even though I possibly could be. I think me being nervous is a good thing though because it will make me try a lot harder on my writing.
The only way I can take this is if I have a c- or better which I hope I have by now. I need to find all of my work because I know I did not throw anything away. I need to make sure that they are all in a presentable manor when I have to submit them for the portfolio. I really hope I can pass this because I want to transfer next fall and I do not want to take English 200 next semester because I am trying to make next semesters schedule a walk in the park.
My 2 pieces of writing out of the 5 that are required I think will be able to pass. I have worked hard on those papers and I know I will have to revise them more than once but I think I will have passing papers by the end. I really hope my margins are not the reason I do not pass because it happened to a lot of people at my high school during the research paper. I am going to have to do multiple checks to make sure.

1 comment:

  1. Peter, you will be creating two portfolios, an Assessment Portfolio and a Working Portfolio.

    The Assessment Portfolio is a manila folder containing a cover letter and 2-3 essays in their polished forms. The whole thing including the letter will have 13-16 pages. This will be submitted to a committee for scoring.

    The Working Portfolio is a big binder or folder that you will turn in to me. It will contain all your drafts, pre-writing and post-writing for each essay. It documents your progress in our class and demonstrates your writing process. Find all that old work and put it together in a folder/ as soon as possible.

    About margins, there is a measure for those on the back of the last page I handed out to you. You can physically lay it over your page, hold it up to the light and see if the margins are coming out right.

    Meanwhile, you were one of the only people in class to get your page numbering format right on the last essay, so you are well on your way.
